Speaker Details
Data Science Summer School 2019

Marlon Dumas
Professor at University of Tartu
Marlon Dumas is Professor of Information Systems at University of Tartu and Scientific Leader at the Estonian Software Technologies and Applications Competence Centre (STACC). In the past, he has been faculty member at Queensland University of Technology and visiting researcher at SAP Research, Australia. His research interests span across the fields of software engineering, information systems and business process management. His ongoing work focuses on combining data mining and formal methods to analyze and monitor business processes. He has published extensively in conferences and journals across the fields of software engineering and information systems. He is co-inventor of seven granted US/EU patents and co-author of the textbook "Fundamentals of Business Process Management". In 2019, he won an ERC Advanced Grant to conduct fundamental long-term research on automated discovery of business process improvement opportunities from execution traces.